Our first release of the year is here! The January release is focused on ease of use with an emphasis on visualizing data throughout the core application. We also added some visual elements to our online payment solution, BigTime Wallet, to ensure your clients have the best payment experience when working with your organization. We’re excited to kick off the year with continued enhancements throughout the application.
There is a lot in store for 2022 and we welcome the opportunity to get your feedback on future enhancements to BigTime. If you’re interested, please reach out to us at product@bigtime.net.
January 2022 Release Highlights
Core Solution
- Show % complete on Gantt charts
- Task progress views on the overview/status screen
- Show baseline on budget vs. actuals graph
- Upload image for the full header on invoice PDF
- Configure invoices in A/R aging tile
- Task overview/status hierarchy display setting
- Accept special characters in the time/expense notes
- Option to show payment amount on prior invoices
- View expense custom fields on an invoice
- Manually add tax rates
BigTime Wallet
- Deposit dropdown item on the payments screen
- ACH/CC icon under “Pay Now” in an emailed invoice
Core Solution
As part of this release, we have added additional data visualization to several product areas, such as tasks and invoicing.
Show % complete on Gantt charts
A task’s % complete value is now displayed on the Gantt chart, both with the % value itself as well as progress shading on each task to reflect the % complete.

Task progress views on the overview/status screen
On the task overview/status screen, users can now view a task’s progress based on their hour and fee budgets. Each view contains a donut chart of the % complete for each task.
Show baseline on budget vs. actuals graph
On the allocation dashboard, a user now has the option to view their saved baseline on the budgets vs. actuals graph. At the top of the graph, check the box to “show baseline.” If there is a baseline that has been saved within the allocation editor, those hours will appear as an additional line in yellow on the graph.

As one of the core components of BigTime, we continue to enhance invoicing with additional options.
Upload image for the full header on invoice PDF
Invoice PDF templates can now be configured to upload a logo that spans across the entire width of the header. If the user selects to include a header on the PDF template, there will be two options as to which logo they would like to utilize; logo and header logo. Depending on their selection, the user will click into the associated tab to upload their desired logo for the template.
Configure invoices in A/R aging tile
On the invoicing overview page, an admin can now determine which invoices appear in the A/R aging tile based on invoice status. For example, invoices that are in their drafted status can be excluded from the A/R aging tile. This can be configured by going to Invoicing > Configure > Defaults. Check off each invoice status that you would like to be included in the A/R aging tile.

Additional Core Solution Enhancements and Features
Task overview/status hierarchy display setting
The task overview screen now has two options for how the tasks are displayed, so users can change the display to show a hierarchical view. This display change will be useful for projects containing task groups and sub-tasks.
Accept special characters in the time/expense notes
Bigtime will now accept the following special characters in the timesheet and expense notes; l’accent aigu (é). l’accent grave (à, è, ù), l’accent circonflexe or “chapeau” (â, ê, î, ô, û), la cédille (ç), le tréma (ë, ï, ü), É, È, Ê, À (é, è, ê, à already accepted).
Option to show payment amount on prior invoices
Invoice PDF templates can now be configured to show any prior partial payments if that template is set to include A/R.
View expense custom fields on an invoice
Firms that have added custom fields on the expense entry can now include these fields on the invoice expense detail tab.
Manually add tax rates
Firms not integrated with an accounting system will now have the ability to manually add tax rates to their firm. This will benefit these firms because they will be able to manage their tax rates without having to rely on BigTime to add their rates or make adjustments when needed.
BigTime Wallet
To enhance our online payment processing, we’ve added visuals for your clients so it’s even easier to capture online payments.
Deposit dropdown item on the payments screen
Deposits can now be viewed on a new ‘Deposits’ screen located within the Wallet payments page. ‘Deposits’ has been added as an option in the dropdown. This will show users all of the deposit payments made through BigTime Wallet.
A deposit can contain multiple payments. Each payment within the deposit can be viewed by clicking on the link in the ‘Number of Sales’ column or the ‘Deposit Batch Date’ column. This opens a payments dialog listing each individual payment transaction and its details for that deposit, including the transaction ID, client name, payment type (ACH or CC), last 4 digits of the account number, payment amount, and fee amount.
ACH/CC icon under “Pay Now” in an emailed invoice
When a client receives an invoice that includes the option to pay their invoice online via BigTime Wallet, the email invoice will include icons for ACH and credit card to further indicate which payment methods are available to use on that particular invoice.
We’re excited to be starting the year strong with our January 2022 release, and there are some great enhancements along with some game-changing features planned for the rest of the year. We want your feedback on all of it! From early focus groups to being pilot customers, we welcome your participation as we continue to evolve the BigTime solution. If you’re interested in having your voice influence our design, please reach out to us at product@bigtime.net.